hello people! :D
i'm blogger enthusiastic again. (:

i set my alarm at 9.30 in the morning
i woke up at 10.30 am. ugh X:
checked my phone:
two missed calls from huiting.
no reply from the sms i sent to amber.
oh yeah and i totally ignored syakir's message.
have to go reply him sooon. NO TIME. ><
so, i reached causeway point at 11.15.
well, i brisked walked there. HAHA !
met them. they still haven't buy tickets.
so we buy tickets + popcorn, go inside. just nice timing.
got the 3D glasses. (long time since i watched a 3D movie)
and then, they were playing the soundtrack.
movie haven't start yet. something funny happened.
ok, if you don't find it funny, it means you just don't
understand us. LOLs. :P
amber: *suddenly stop talking & was listening very carefully*
me: what?
amber: ehh, sounds so familiar ler.
me: ugh, yeah. sounds like avril lavigne.
amber: yeahyeah, sounds like her.
huiting: no lar. its paramore !
me: where got paramore sound so GAY one.
amber: got one lar. remember brick by boring.
huiting: yar lor.
me: okay. *i don't listen to paramore that much either*
ok, ermz. it was abit stupid, i guess.
the movie was okok. 3D wasn't worth it, though.
after the movie, went to popular, CD section.
look through the almost alice soundtrack.
and guess what, assholes, it WAS avril lavigne.
LOL, i'm so childish ><>
after that went for teens club. ;D
teens club: last lesson of class = CAN BRING PEOPLE.
its like you can bring outside people to participate in the class.
i forgot, if not i would have forced `em to come along.
so, we had a mini party with snacks.
and we played a few games, FUN (:
oh yesss and clearance came ! YIPEEE !
imissedyouohsoverymuch. (as a friend, ugh)
HAHAHA ! i very hyper today.
cause its been so long since i've laughed this much. :D
ohyeah, amira and me are going to join yellow house cheer-leading.
maybe, my voice will project better. heeh ! xD
and chelsea is right: there are so many TBs out there.
i can't possibly hate all of them.
hating TBs = hating HALF of me. LOLs.
oh, nevermind. i shall end the crapping here.
"never make a decision when you're angry."
i am so stupid.
why did i do all this?
was it all worth loosing those who were there for me?
no, it wasn't.
and thanks amber. iloveyou, my little froggy. <3
oh well, this post has been quite long (:
i shall end it here.
krishan is still a bitch. nothing is going to change the way i think of her.she fakes a smile in front of me, no point, i know the truth already. if you hate me, say so. no need to do all this drama. the truth is: ihy too.
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