i promise;
hello blogger(:
heehee, im squeezing in a post now! :D
later, i would be gng to th class chalet.
i think it would be fun.
huiting had her class chalet on monday and tuesday.
LOL, what a conincidence. xP
andand, her class chalet is at coasta sands resorts.
she claimed it was fxcking small.
and her class booked TWO CHALETS?!
it was still squeeezy. ><
so, kind of worried bout th spacing.
im just hoping i wont sleep lor. xD
yesterday, i had awesome fun!
thanks HONEY<3
around 11.3o, went IKEA to eat. (:
hui had came from her chalet.
and she was DEAD. roflmao~
nooo sleep worrr, she seems so high?!
laughoutloud, after tht went for my extra lessons
for GRADEEE 4 at juliagabriel. ~
so, hui waited for me at boarders.
2 to 4.30 was my lesson.
ohmygawd, thts fast. :D
heee, we went back to forumn, toys r us too look around.
i love playing with th sample gameees. <3
hahah, im so childish but who cares? :P
in th end, we started playing soccer with th ball there.
and th bigbig barney toy was uber huge.
vanisri shld hav been there. lmao. ;D
oooh, then we went to ION to look at th
"WE ARE ONE" thing. ;D
and we were toking and slacking until it was seven?!
SOOO LOOONG liddat. we went to ION foodcourt to eat.
th hokkien noodles damn nice lor. award winning, i think.
budden, whatthetoot, $5.50 lor.
wasting my freaking money. -.-
when we gng home, was shittily tired.
yawns. we bounced. took th train to marina bay.
and then all th way back. xD
cant they make it in th morning when im free?!
they expect us to be free all th time. ?!
anyways, my grade 4 exam is a zillionth times more important
than my idiotic CCA.
i never pon-ed it, so i dont give a damn -.-
friday also i cant make it cos of my actual grade 4 exam (:
and they dont even give correct information.
th teacher in charge dont seem like they even care.
so, why should i?
with this note, im ending my post.
byeee! <3
andand, i changed my skinn, finally.
after lazyy me finished editing it,
i realised it was patricia's old skin.
rofl, so stuuupiiiid of me!
anyways, IM SORRY PAT X:
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