you are the peace that calms my troubled sea.
when the cares of this world darken my day;
you are the light that shines and shows me the way.
Beautiful Lord by Leeland :P
ohmygosh, i heart this song! ~
well, school's has started and i'm pissed -.-
mostly cos CCA, hmm, don't really want to talk bout it. D:
well, classes were alrighty.
form teacher, geography teacher and
worst of all tamil teacher stays th same. !
our science teacher taught us begaining of last year too.
and guess what, mr deep's our english teacher.
and blahs and blahs ><
gaaah, tmrw teens club starting. ;D
probably, new students O:
and i miss you guys, especially V.
its like the holidays have made me realise.
something, something so strange.
i was angry, regretful, A isn't th one, i know. xD
well, i try my best to smile after being so
stupid. and yes, V might be th one.
might, might, might, might, might.
haish, nothing else to talk about.
i know i won't touch blogger for another i don't know.
so here is the following:
10.01.10, th precious date. (:
chiobu! ^^ keep tht beautiful smile there always. :D
well, this is how i shall end this post.
buhbye! ;D
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